Friday, January 15, 2010


你好。 星期六我去看电影了。 我的爸爸也去看电影。 今天我买蓝条裤子。 狠便宜! 明天我要买一个紫色ゆかた.

(do our sentences have to make sense? or can they just be random sentences?)

If you ever plan to go to China but have trouble speaking Chinese, or are just too shy too, then a good thing for you to learn is how to count on your fingers in Chinese. This will be most useful when haggling over things. The gestures are very similar to the way Americans count on their fingers, up to number five, where whey become different. 0= closed fist. 1= single pointer finger upwards. 2= pointer and middle finger. 3= pointer, middle, and ring finger. 4= pointer, middle, ring, and pinkie finger. 5= pointer, middle, ring, pinkie, and thumb. 6= thumb and pinkie. 7= thumb, pointer, and middle finger all touching. 8= thumb and pointer up, like a 'L'. 9= closed fist with pointer curled upwards. 10= pointer with middle crossed over, like signing 'r'. Most of these should be done with the palm facing away from you. Though I did read a book where a lot of the vendors that were haggling had calculators, thus removing the need to learn how to count on your fingers.

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